
Showing posts from September, 2020

How Much Does a Shadow Weigh?

Today I will tell you S ome Interesting Fact About Shadow   in this blog: I'm dam sure that we all love to have fun with hand shadows, but how much does a shadow weigh we think also about that?💪 I know it might sound like a silly question. 😂 I mean, a shadow cannot be put on a scale and weighed. But, actually, the material that falls on top can be weighed. And we all knew that light has energy. In fact, when light encounters an object, it pushes that object just a little bit.  On the surface of the earth, when sunlight is hitting it, every square inch is being pushed with a force of about 1 billion of a pound, which is basically nothing. But, over a large enough surface area, the results can be pretty fun.   I have actually some examples: On a sunny day, the city of Chicago weighs 300 pounds more, simply because sunlight is falling on it and pushing it.  In outer space, where the solar wind isn't filtered by Earth's atmosphere or magnetic field, their results are...

5 सबसे आम व्यावसायिक शिक्षा मिथक क्या हैं ?

कई बिजनेस स्कूल आज एक प्रबंधन शिक्षा का अनुभव प्रदान करते हैं, जैसे कोई अन्य नहीं - मूल्यवान व्यावसायिक कौशल, एक अच्छी तरह से अर्जित डिग्री, उत्कृष्ट कैरियर की संभावनाएं, और एक समृद्ध व्यावसायिक नेटवर्क। तमाम पेशकशों के बावजूद, आज, प्रबंधन मार्ग को एक करियर मार्ग के रूप में चुनने के बारे में कुछ गलत धारणाएं हैं - युवा लोगों को एक कार्यक्रम के लिए आवेदन करने के लिए अनिच्छुक बनाते हैं, जो छात्रों की कॉर्पोरेट सफलता के लिए योगदान करने के लिए बहुत अधिक है। हम समझते हैं कि यह हमेशा काल्पनिक से आसान तथ्य को अलग नहीं करता है, इसलिए हमने कुछ सबसे सामान्य व्यावसायिक शिक्षा के मिथकों को तोड़ दिया है, एक बार और सभी के लिए=> 1. मिथक: एक बिजनेस डिग्री बहुत सामान्य है:- जब तक आप किसी विषय में विशेषज्ञता हासिल नहीं कर रहे हों, तब तक आप व्यवसाय की डिग्री से बहुत कुछ नहीं सीख सकते। व्यावसायिक अध्ययन बहुत सामान्य हैं और आपके समय के लायक नहीं हैं। तथ्य: व्यवसाय उद्योग के भीतर कई उपश्रेणियों के साथ, इस विशाल बुफे के रूप में क्षेत्र को देखना आसान है जहां आपको अपनी स्नातक की डिग्री में कुछ भी किए बिन...

Why Einstein Thought Nuclear Weapons Impossible?

In Today’s world, we have   Nuclear Weapons  and Nuclear Power Plants you might think that it was always inevitable that we would be able to harness the energy inside the nucleus of atoms. But, that was far from the case, in fact, serious scientists thought the idea was laughable like Nobel Laureate Robert Millikan who in 1928 said “there is no likelihood man can ever tap the power of the atom” .   The glib supposition of utilizing atomic energy when our coal has run out is a completely unscientific Utopian dream or as Rutherford, put it anyone who expects a source of power from the transformation of these atoms is talking moonshine and now there was good reason for their pessimism when Becquerel first observed to radioactivity, he thought it was a phenomenon similar to phosphorescence.  That's when you shine radiation like light onto an object and it absorbs that energy and later re-radiates it in a different part of the spectrum and now uranium ore was known to ...

World's Lightest and Lowest Density Solid

Have you heard about the World's Lightest and  Lowest Density Solid? Its Name is Aerogel. This piece  features a  mass of just 1.22 grams  that's  only  some times the mass of  the identical  volume of air,  which sort  of  is sensible  because  it's  99.8% air. In fact, some aerogels are so light that if I removed all the air from them,  they'd  be less dense than air.  I've got  long been fascinated by aerogel so I actually flew  intent on   AerogelTechnologies in Boston  to seek out  why was aerogel invented. 1) You know that How is it made? And also 2) Why is it such  an honest  thermal insulator and  what's  it used for?  Okay   To demonstrate the insulating power of aerogel so  up here   we've  two setups:  one with a glass  Petri dish ,  and  also the  other one with aerogel on top.  - Both are...

The Hacker Hack the Facebook In 2020

Ø   Have you heard of Virtual Bagel? Their Facebook page has over 4,000 likes. They use the page to market their brilliant business model 'we send you bagels via the net -- just download and revel in.' It feels like a joke, and it is, sort of. This page was founded by BBC technology correspondent Rory Cellan-Jones in 2012 . He wanted to seek out what's the price of a like on a Facebook page, so he bought some likes for Virtual Bagel. Now there are two ways to shop for 'likes', the legitimate way, and also the illegitimate way. The illegitimate way is to travel to a web site like BoostLikes .com to get some likes. You'll be able to get 1000 for $70.     Sites like these use click farms in developing countries like India, the Philippines, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Indonesia, and Bangladesh. Here employees are routinely paid just 1 dollar per thousand clicks of the form button. So Facebook explicitly forbids buying like this manner. Instead, they provide the ...